How To Run A Great Interview Guide

How To Run A Great Interview Guide

How to Run a Great Interview Guide for the Restaurant Business


Conducting effective interviews is crucial for finding the best candidates for your restaurant business. A well-structured interview guide ensures that you gather the necessary information to make informed hiring decisions. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you create and execute a successful interview process.


  • Define the Job Requirements
    Clearly outline the essential skills, experience, and qualifications required for the position.
  • Create a Structured Interview Guide
    Develop a set of questions that cover all aspects of the job requirements. Include open-ended questions to encourage candidates to elaborate on their answers.
  • Prepare Follow-Up Questions
    Anticipate potential candidate responses and prepare follow-up questions to delve deeper into their experiences and motivations.
  • Conducting the Interview

  • Establish a Professional Environment
    Create a comfortable and respectful atmosphere where candidates feel at ease.
  • Introduce Yourself and the Company
    Briefly introduce yourself and the restaurant business, highlighting its values and mission.
  • Explain the Job Description
    Clearly describe the position's responsibilities, expectations, and reporting structure.
  • Ask the Interview Questions
    Follow the interview guide and ask the prepared questions in a logical order.
  • Listen Actively
    Pay attention to candidates' responses, ask clarifying questions, and demonstrate genuine interest in their experiences.
  • Assess Skills and Qualifications
    Evaluate candidates' answers against the job requirements and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Ask About Availability and Salary Expectations
    Discuss the candidate's availability and salary expectations to ensure alignment with the company's needs.
  • Follow-Up

  • Thank the Candidate
    Express gratitude for the candidate's time and interest in the position.
  • Provide Feedback
    If the candidate is not selected, offer constructive feedback to help them improve their interview skills.
  • Schedule Next Steps
    If the candidate is a potential fit, schedule a follow-up interview or reference check.
  • Tips for Success

  • Use a Scorecard
    Create a scoring system to objectively evaluate candidates' responses.
  • Take Notes
    Document key points from the interview to aid in decision-making.
  • Be Consistent
    Ask the same questions to all candidates to ensure fairness and objectivity.
  • Avoid Bias
    Be mindful of unconscious biases and focus on the candidate's qualifications and potential.
  • Follow Up Promptly
    Contact candidates within a reasonable timeframe to provide updates or make a decision.
  • Conclusion

    By following these guidelines, you can conduct effective interviews that help you identify the best candidates for your restaurant business. A well-structured interview guide ensures that you gather the necessary information to make informed hiring decisions and build a strong team.

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