Kitchen slang, also known as "kitchen Spanish" or "kitchen French," is a set of terms and phrases used by chefs, cooks, and other kitchen staff to communicate quickly and efficiently in a fast-paced work environment. Here are some common kitchen slang terms you might encounter in a restaurant kitchen:
1. 86 - To run out of or discontinue an item. For example, "We're 86 on the roast beef sandwich."
2. All Day - A request for a quantity of a particular menu item equal to the number of covers expected for the day. For example, "Can you make 200 of the chicken alfredo, chef? That's all day."
3. A.Y.C.B.O. - An acronym for "Another Year, Another Bottle of Olive Oil," used to describe items that are consistently needed in the kitchen.
4. Behind - A warning that you are approaching someone from behind. For example, "Behind you with a hot pan!"
5. Blinders - Also known as "blinders on," this phrase is used to describe a state of intense focus or being "in the zone."
6. Bump - To add an additional order to a ticket that is already printing.
7. Correction - A cancellation or modification of an order.
8. Fire - To start cooking an order. For example, "Fire the fish special!"
9. In the Weeds - Describes a situation where a cook or server is behind or struggling to keep up with the volume of orders.
10. On the Fly - A request to prepare or serve an item immediately, without waiting for the usual preparation time.
11. 3-ticket Special - A term used to describe a particularly complicated or time-consuming order, typically involving three or more tickets.
12. 86'd - An item that has run out or been discontinued.
These are just a few examples of the many kitchen slang terms you might encounter in a restaurant kitchen. Understanding these terms can help you communicate more effectively with your kitchen staff and ensure a smoother, more efficient workflow in the kitchen.
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